Government Funding

If you claim a social welfare payment you could be entitled to government funding for our accredited training courses 


    What the Training Support Grant is


    The Training Support Grant is designed to fund quick access to short term training or related interventions, obtain or renew certification and permits for individual jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or where Employment Personal Advisers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer.


    How to qualify


    The primary focus of this scheme is on jobseekers and on supporting the activation policy of the department.


    An Employment Personal Adviser can approve a grant for someone seeking employment under this scheme where:

    • the course is not above level 6 on the QQI
    • during the course of an interview, a training need is identified that is not otherwise provided by DSP directly or any other state provider (such as Solas/ETB's, Teagasc), within a reasonable length of time or at a location convenient to the jobseeker
    • the intervention identified is linked to both the activation needs of the jobseeker and labour market conditions
    • the intervention sought by the jobseeker forms part of the agreed personal progression or action plan to enter or re-enter the labour market.
    • they are satisfied that the jobseeker has provided reasonable evidence or grounds of need (for example in the form of a job offer or of a potential job offer) or an identified skill gap or a requirement to maintain or achieve accreditation (for example, safe pass, driving licences, HACCP, security industry permits)


    Rate of payment

    Each jobseeker can get a maximum amount of €1000 per annum.


    Payment can be approved when:

    • you attend the programme
    • you undertake the relevant assessment and achieve certification
    • you do not achieve certification but the trainer and applicant confirm that you undertook full assessment but did not meet the standard required
    • invoices should indicate the VAT or other TAX reference number of the supplier. The overall amount should be shown less any participant contribution or third party funding



    Providers must be located on the island of Ireland.


    All applications or referrals for support under the scheme must be made through an Employment Personal Adviser.


    Learn more about the scheme from staff at your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.


    The quoted cost of the measures should be compared to a list of costs maintained in the division to ensure that costs are in line with expectation and to ensure best value for money is being achieved. The Employment Personal Adviser should also consider the location of the course and distance the customer has to travel.


    Training providers will be required to submit quotations for the full amount. The Employment Personal Adviser should advise the jobseeker of the grant amount available.


    Payment can be approved when the applicant attends the programme, undertakes the relevant assessments and achieves certification OR does not achieve certification but the trainer and applicant confirm applicant undertook full assessment but did not meet the standard required.


    • the grant should only be paid after the applicant completes the programme, undertakes the relevant assessments and achieves certification OR does not achieve certification but the trainer confirms applicant undertook the full assessment but did not meet the standard required
    • invoices should indicate the VAT or other TAX Reference Number of the supplier. The overall amount should be shown less any participant contribution or third party funding

    Operational Guidelines



    Operational Guidelines: Training Support Grant 

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